If you can send in verification of times from a race within the last year, you may register without even a thought towards a suggested donation -- indeed I will refund any donations, because by racing you are probably inspiring others and promoting running in the Olympia area. If you have a fairly equivalent time from a different distance, email runner@runoly.com to inquire about reduced or complimentary entry.

Open Men

       5k under 16:00

       10k under 33:30

Open Women

        5k under 18:30

        10k under 39:00

Masters Men (For super master's runners, please send in age graded marks for comparison with open times)

        5k under 17:00

        10k under 35:00

Masters Women (For super master's runners, please send in age graded marks for comparison with open times)

         5k under 19:30

         10k under 41:00


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